Whether you have been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure or suffered a heart attack, you are not alone. Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation at CalvertHealth is a medically supervised, monitored, patient-centered program in a progressive exercise training environment.
How do I enroll?
Talk to your healthcare provider to see if Cardiac Rehabilitation is right for you. You will need a provider referral/order to schedule an appointment. Most insurance is accepted. When you are ready to schedule, call the Patient Access Scheduling Center at
410.414.APPT (2778).
Qualifying Conditions
- Heart attack (myocardial infarction)
- Coronary Heart Disease (CAD)
- Angina
- Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
- Heart procedure or surgery such as:
- angioplasty
- stenting
- valve replacement
- pacemaker
- defibrillator
Goals of Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Teach you how to exercise safely using individualized exercise plans
- Improve cardiovascular endurance and stamina
- Increase muscle strength
- Risk factor modification
- Tobacco cessation
- Stress management
- Weight reduction/Nutrition counseling
What to expect
- Complete health assessment
- An individual exercise plan geared towards helping you meet your health needs.
- Exercise sessions monitored by nurses, personal trainers, and exercise physiologists.
- Consults as needed with case management, dieticians, and social work.
- Support from others who share similar stories
- Education related to your goals
Cardiac Rehabilitation Hours and Information
Monday, Tuesday, Friday; 7-11 a.m.
Cardiac Rehabilitation information
Patient Access Scheduling Center
410.414.APPT (2778)
To Schedule Services
Call: Patient Access Scheduling Center at 410.414.4821 | Prince Frederick